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Figure 4 | Journal of Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Injury

Figure 4

From: Variations of the origin of collateral branches emerging from the posterior aspect of the brachial plexus

Figure 4

Left BP with collateral origin variations for subscapular nerves. C5, C6, C7, C8, T1: spinal nerve ventral rami. ST: superior trunk. MT: middle trunk. IT: inferior trunk. LC: lateral cord. PC: posterior cord. MC: medial cord. A: axillary nerve. R: radial nerve. Mct: musculocutaneous nerve. U: ulnar nerve. M: median nerve. ASM: serratus anterior muscle. SSM: subscapularis muscle. PMM: pectoralis minor muscle. 1. suprascapular nerve. 2: upper subscapular nerve (originating from the ST posterior cord). 3: accessory subscapular nerve. 4. lower subscapular nerve (originating from the thoracodorsal nerve). 5: long thoracic nerve. 6: dorsal scapular nerve (originating from C4).

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