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Table 1 Branches from the Brachial Plexus

From: Variations in brachial plexus and the relationship of median nerve with the axillary artery: a case report

Branches from Roots

Branches from Trunks

Branches from fusion of Trunks

Direct Branches

Branches from the Upper trunk

Branches from fusion of upper and middle trunks

Nerve to Subclavius (C5)

Dorsal Scapular Nerve (C5)

Nerve to Pectoralis Minor

?Medial pectoral (C6)

Thoracodorsal Nerve (C6)

Long Thoracic Nerve (C7)

Nerve to deltoid muscle (C7)

Suprascapular nerve (C5, C6)

Branches to subscapularis

?Upper Subscapular (C5, C6)

Branch to Pectoralis Major

?Lateral pectoral (C5, C6)

Nerve to deltoid muscle (C6)

Branch to Deltoid Muscle (C5,C6, C7)

Nerve to Coracobrachialis (C5,C6, C7)

Lateral root of the Median Nerve (C5,C6, C7)

Musculocutaneous nerve (C5,C6, C7)


Branches from the Middle Trunk

Branches from fusion of middle and lower trunks


Branch to deltoid (C7)

Radial Nerve (C7)

Radial nerve (C7,C8, T1)


Branches from the Lower Trunk

Branches from fusion of upper, middle and lower trunks


Medial root of the Median Nerve (C8,T1)

Medial Cutaneous nerve of the arm (C8,T1)

Medial Cutaneous nerve of the Forearm (C8,T1)

Ulnar nerve (C8,T1)

Branch to Radial Nerve (C8,T1)

Branch to subscapularis

?Lower Subscapular (C5-8, T1)

Axillary Nerve (C5-8, T1)