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Table 1 Operative history and technical errors

From: Reoperation for failed shoulder reconstruction following brachial plexus birth injury


Previous surgery

Operative correction

Technical error


Brachial plexus exploration, sural nerve grafts C3, C4, C5 to C7, SAN transfer to C7; teres major transfer to teres minor, partial acromion excision, external neurolysis axillary, radial, ulnar, musculocutaneous, thoracodorsal, long thoracic nerves; proximal humeral osteotomy, pectoralis major lengthening

Latissimus dorsi transfer into infraspinatus

Injured neurovascular Pedicle to teres major


Modified quad, including subscapularis release, teres major to teres minor transfer, neurolysis axillary nerve, pectoralis release

Latissimus dorsi transfer, transfer of sternal head of pectoralis major to lesser tuberosity

Loss of subscapularis power, devascularization of transferred teres major


L’Episcopo procedure

External rotation osteotomy

Failed muscle transfer


Exploration and nerve grafting; modified quad x 2

Humeral external rotation osteotomy

Failed muscle transfer


External rotational osteotomy of the humerus

Internal humeral osteotomy

Excessive external rotation of original osteotomy


(1) External neurolysis; (2) neurolysis of axillary nerve, transfer of teres major, release of subscapularis, pectoralis major and minor

External rotation osteotomy pectoralis major release

Failed muscles transfer


Exploration, neurolysis, nerve grafting; modified quad, including teres major transfer to teres minor, release of pectoralis minor, biceps short head, pectoralis major lengthening, neurolysis axillary nerve

Subscapularis slide, intramuscular lengthening pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi transfer, repair of teres major

Inadequate placement of transferred muscle


Release of subscapularis, proximal triceps, pectoralis, teres major, shoulder capsule neurolysis axillary nerve

Transfer of clavicular head of pectoralis to greater tuberosity

Complete disruption and loss of subscapularis power